

交流活动 浏览次数:2689 发布时间:2014-02-16 05:22:32

317,意大利卢卡学校师生团来我校交流访问。此次访问由卢卡学校的校长STRADA GIUSEPPE先生亲自带队。本次交流虽然只有短短8天,但是学校准备了丰富的活动,双方的学生也都建立起了深厚的友谊。



On March 17th, students and teachers from Istituto Tecnico Pacioli di Crema payed a visit to our school. This visit to our school was lead by the principal STRADA GIUSEPPE. Although it was only a eight-day visit, HFLS prepared various activities for the students and Italian students have built friendship with us Chinese students.

On March 18th, the Italian students attended the art lesson and learnt how to do the “囍”paper cutting and the culture that it contains.






In the Chinese lesson on March 20th, Mr. Lin Cunfu not only briefly introduced campus life to the Italian students, but also taught them some basic conversations in Chinese. There’s even learning about how to bargain(which is very Chinese) in Chinese. This game was liked a lot by the students and it added fun to the Chinese language learning.

In the afternoon music lesson, students learnt how to sing the famous Chinese song “Jasmine”. What is more, Mr. Sheng Xujian also introduced traditional Chinese musical instruments, thus helped students to have a better understanding of the traditional Chinese music.

On March 21st, Mr. Chen Bin taught them martial arts on the playground. The Italian students took an active part in it and they put real efforts into it.

Apart from the lessons they took inside the campus, the Italian students also enjoyed the scenery around the West Lake and learnt more about life in Hangzhou after visiting The Tea Museum.




On the evening of March 25th, we had a communication conference between the Germans and the Italians. The Italian group vividly showed us life in Italy through an interesting video. In the end, they each said goodbye to their host family and expressed how they wished to stay longer and how much they looked forward to a visit paid back by their hosts, which is really touching.

Their visit ended on March 26th. Our mutual friendship has been greatly enhanced by the visit and we are all looking forward to our exchange programs in the future.