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CAL Runs Its Year 1 Orientation Sessions


HFLS Cal Center has ushered in it’s newest cohort of students who will be with us for the next three years.







At the beginning of our orientation, our Center Principle Mr. Thomas briefly explained how great the life in CAL is and that he understood the nervousness the new students would be feeling. He also told the stories about our schoolmateswho got offers from the best universities around the world, this reminded us all that to achieve our goals, we would have to work hard.







Next, our famous Chemistry teacher, Mr. Tony, described the delight the students would experience in theirChemistry classes.







After that, our Business teacher Mr. Lam took the stage, narrating the importance of business and how it would be applied reality. Besides, he talkedabout the relationship between Economics and Business and explained the different advantages of these two subjects.






 Mr. Curt, a physics teacher,discussed the importance of forming good habits from the beginning of the school year.






Last but not least, our senior schoolmates introduced what being a CAL student was really like. They explained our diverse extracurricular activities, different kinds of clubs and the main contents of our IGCSE textbooks. They also shared their own feelings and opinions about school life to help them get familiar with living on campus. Our Chinese curriculum teachers also introduced relative courses including Chinese History, Geography, Chinese, Information Technology, General Technology, Music, PE etc.


(文/李昌乐、Ms. Menton; /何诚、李力、Ms. Menton










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